【已解决】SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason "24" ("USERNAME AND/OR PASSWORD INVALID").

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【已解决】SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason "24" ("USERNAME AND/OR PASSWORD INVALID").

2024-07-09 15:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Could not connect to DB: SQLSTATE[08001] SQLConnect: -30082 [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason "24" ("USERNAME AND/OR PASSWORD INVALID"). SQLSTATE=08001 查了相关解决方案:

http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21327771 http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21416382


[db2inst1@xxx ~]$ db2 ? sql30082N SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason "" (""). Explanation: An error occurred during security processing. The cause of the security error is described by the "" and corresponding "" value. The following is a list of reason codes and corresponding reason strings: 0 (NOT SPECIFIED) The specific security error is not specified. 1 (PASSWORD EXPIRED) The password specified in the request has expired. 2 (PASSWORD INVALID) The password specified in the request is not valid. 3 (PASSWORD MISSING) The request did not include a password. 4 (PROTOCOL VIOLATION) The request violated security protocols. 5 (USERID MISSING) The request did not include a userid. 6 (USERID INVALID) The userid specified in the request is not valid. 7 (USERID REVOKED) The userid specified in the request has been revoked. 8 (GROUP INVALID) The group specified in the request is not valid. 9 (USERID REVOKED IN GROUP) The userid specified in the request has been revoked in the group. 10 (USERID NOT IN GROUP) The userid specified in the request is not in the group. 11 (USERID NOT AUTHORIZED AT REMOTE LU) The userid specified in the request is not authorized at the remote Logical Unit. 12 (USERID NOT AUTHORIZED FROM LOCAL LU) The userid specified in the request is not authorized at the remote Logical Unit when coming from the local Logical Unit. 13 (USERID NOT AUTHORIZED TO TP) The userid specified in the request is not authorized to access the Transaction Program. 14 (INSTALLATION EXIT FAILED) The installation exit failed. 15 (PROCESSING FAILURE) Security processing at the server failed. 16 (NEW PASSWORD INVALID) the password specified on a change password request did not meet the server's requirements. 17 (UNSUPPORTED FUNCTION) the security mechanism specified by the client is invalid for this server. Some typical examples: * The client sent a new password value to a server that does not support the change password function. * The client sent SERVER_ENCRYPT authentication information to a server that does not support password encryption. Authentication type catalog information must be the same at the server and the client. * The client sent a userid (but no password) to a server that does not support authentication by userid only. * The client has not specified an authentication type, and the server has not responded with a supported type. This might include the server returning multiple types from which the client is unable to choose. * The CLIENT AUTHENTICATION type is not supported by "IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI" and "IBM Data Server Driver package" 18 (NAMED PIPE ACCESS DENIED) The named pipe is inaccessible due to a security violation. 19 (USERID DISABLED or RESTRICTED) The userid has been disabled, or the userid has been restricted from accessing the operating environment at this time. 20 (MUTUAL AUTHENTICATION FAILED) The server being contacted failed to pass a mutual authentication check. The server is either an imposter, or the ticket sent back was damaged. 21 (RESOURCE TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE) Security processing at the server was terminated because a resource was temporarily unavailable. For example, on AIX, no user licenses may have been available. 24 (USERNAME AND/OR PASSWORD INVALID) The username specified, password specified, or both, are invalid. Some specific causes are: 1. If you have recently changed permissions on DB2 critical files such as db2ckpw or moved to a new Fixpak, the db2iupdt command which updates the instance might not have been run. 2. The username being used might be in an invalid format. For example, on UNIX and Linux platforms, usernames must be all be lowercase. 3. An error might have been made in specifying the catalog information. For example, the correct authentication type might not have been specified or, if applicable, the remote server might not have been cataloged on the local system. 25 (CONNECTION DISALLOWED) The security plugin has disallowed the connection. 26 (UNEXPECTED SERVER ERROR) The server security plugin encountered an unexpected error. The administration notification log file on the server contains more specific problem information. The following are examples of issues that can cause problems: * The security service was not started. * The userid starting the DB2 service did not have admin privileges. 27 (INVALID SERVER CREDENTIAL) The server security plugin encountered an invalid server credential. 28 (EXPIRED SERVER CREDENTIAL) The server security plugin encountered an expired server credential. 29 (INVALID CLIENT SECURITY TOKEN) The server security plugin encountered an invalid security token sent by the client. 30 (CLIENT PLUGIN MISSING API) The client security plugin is missing a required API. 31 (WRONG CLIENT PLUGIN TYPE) The client security plugin is of the wrong plugin type. 32 (UNKNOWN CLIENT GSS-API PLUGIN) The client security plugin does not have a matching GSS-API security plugin available for connection to the database. 33 (UNABLE TO LOAD CLIENT PLUGIN) The client security plugin cannot be loaded. 34 (INVALID CLIENT PLUGIN NAME) The client security plugin name is invalid. 35 (INCOMPATIBLE CLIENT PLUGIN API VERSION) The client security plugin reports an API version that is incompatible with DB2. 36 (UNEXPECTED CLIENT ERROR) The client security plugin encountered an unexpected error. 37 (INVALID SERVER PRINCIPAL NAME) The server security plugin encountered an invalid principal name. 38 (INVALID CLIENT CREDENTIAL) The client security plugin encountered an invalid client credential. 39 (EXPIRED CLIENT CREDENTIAL) The client security plugin encountered an expired client credential. 40 (INVALID SERVER SECURITY TOKEN) The client security plugin encountered an invalid security token sent by the server. 41 (SWITCH USER INVALID) The client is configured to request a trusted connection and switch user in the trusted connection. A trusted connection was not established and so the switch user request is invalid. 42 (ROOT CAPABILITY REQUIRED) Authentication using local client or server passwords is not currently enabled. 43 (NON-DB2 QUERY MANAGER PRODUCT DISALLOWED CONNECTION) A non-DB2 query manager product has disallowed the connection. User response: Ensure that the proper userid and/or password is supplied. The userid may be disabled, the userid may be restricted to accessing specific workstations, or the userid may be restricted to certain hours of operation. 17 Retry the command with a supported authentication type. Ensure that catalog information specifies the correct authentication type. 20 Make sure the authentication mechanism for the server is started, and retry. 24 Solutions to specific problem causes described previously in this message are: 1. Run DB2IUPDT to update the instance. 2. Ensure that the username created is valid. Review the DB2 General Naming Rules. 3. Ensure that catalog information is correct. 25 Change the database name used for the connection or the TCP/IP address used to connect to this database. 26 Fix the problem identified by the plugin error message text in the administration notification log. If you are unable to correct the problem, invoke the Independant Trace Facility and retry the scenario to collect information for IBM support. 27 Verify that the server credential is provided during security plugin initialization and that it is in a format recognized by the security plugin. As the credential will be used to accept contexts, it must be an ACCEPT or BOTH credential. 28 Contact your DBA. The server's credential must be renewed before the command is resubmitted. If renewing alters the credential handle, then a db2stop and db2start will be necessary. For information on how to renew your server's credential, consult the documentation available for the authentication mechanism used by the security plugin. 29 Resubmit the statement. If the problem still exists, then verify that the client security plugin is generating a valid security token. 30 Check the administration notification log file for the name of the required missing API. Add the missing API to the security plugin. 31 Specify the right type of security plugin in the appropriate database manager configuration parameter. For example, do not specify a userid-password based security plugin for the SRVCON_GSSPLUGIN_LIST database manager configuration parameter. 32 Install the matching security plugin that the database server used on the client. Ensure that the indicated security plugin is located in the client-plugin directory. 33 Check the administration notification log file on the client for more information. Fix the problem identified by the error message text in the administration notification log. 34 Specify a valid security plugin name. The name should not contain any directory path information. 35 Ensure that the security plugin is using a supported version of the APIs and that it is reporting a correct version number. 36 Check the administration notification log file on the client for more information. Fix the problem identified by the error message text in the administration notification log. 37 Check the administration notification log file for the principal name. Make sure the principal name is in a format that is recognized by the security plugin. 38 Verify that the client credential (generated by db2secGenerateInitialCred or provided as an inbound delegated credential) is in a format recognized by the security plugin. As the credential will be used to initiate contexts, it must be an INITIATE or BOTH credential. 39 The user issuing the statement must obtain the appropriate credentials (or re-obtain their initial credentials) and then resubmit the statement. 40 Resubmit the statement. If the problem still exists, then verify that the server security plugin is generating a valid security token. 41 Re-establish a trusted connection with valid credentials and re-submit a switch user request. 42 To enable local client or server authentication for non-root installations, the system administrator must run the db2rfe script. Alternatively, authentication can be done using a security plugin. 43 If additional explanation is required, contact your administrator for the query manager product. sqlcode: -30082 sqlstate: 08001 Related information: Security plug-in API versioning Authentication Security plug-ins

好像都没有什么用,一直到最后才发现,原来代码里有关数据库连接的ini文件里,将db2inst1误写成了db2instl - -无语





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